In the official trailer for “Evil Dead Rise,” the next film in the long-running horror franchise started by director Sam Raimi, two sisters named Beth and Ellie seek to protect their family when hordes of Deadites flock Ellie’s apartment building.
Alyssa Sutherland plays older sister Ellie, who raises three children on her own in a cramped Los Angeles apartment, and Lily Sullivan plays Beth, who takes a road trip to reunite with her sister. The visit is interrupted by the discovery of a mysterious book that summons the Deadites, forcing the two to defend themselves and the children.
Unlike the original “Evil Dead” movies, this follow-up does not include Bruce Campbell’s horror icon Ash Williams. However, Campbell executive produces alongside Raimi and Robert G. Tapert.
Lee Cronin wrote the “Evil Dead Rise” screenplay and directs, coming off the critical success of his 2019 directorial debut “The Hole in the Ground.” The cast includes Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies, Nell Fisher, Mia Challis, Tai Wano, Jayden Daniels and Billy Reynolds-McCarthy.
While the film was initially planned as an exclusive HBO Max release, Warner Bros. Discovery opted to instead give the horror sequel a full-fledged theatrical run. It is set to hit theaters on April 21, 2023.
New Line Cinema and Ghost House Pictures are the production houses involved with the upcoming film, while Warner Bros. Pictures is handling distribution. Filming took place between June and October 2021 in New Zealand, with Dave Garbett, who served as cinematographer on the “Ash vs. Evil Dead” series, taking on the same role for the new film. Additionally, Bryan Shaw, the editor of the 2013 soft reboot, continues his role on the new film as well.
Being a character in an Evil Dead movie has never looked like a walk in the park (or, the phantasmically-fogged woods). Either you’re getting possessed by spirits and returning as a bile-spewing Deadite, or you’re being taunted by your murdered loved ones and driven insane across the course of a seemingly-endless night. And yet, even by the standards